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Monday, April 5, 2010

Optimism and The New Record

Well most of our work for the first real record we've ever made is complete and we could not be more proud. We still need to work our fingers to the bone for the packaging but the music portion is in the final stages. It's very exciting to realize that it isn't up to us to judge it anymore. I mean since "conception" that's all we've done, continually judge everything about it. You first hear it and you judge it and judge it until you feel the song has told you all it can then you judge it during recording, adding things to make it
But once it's "released" it is up to whoever hears it. If it is hated or if it is treated with kindness. That's really freeing, all the questions you ask yourself really don't matter anymore and you can focus on new, exciting questions...what's on TV? How does Pete do that?